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mostly  ASH WOOD  trees were cut prior to september 2017.  same as firewood summer.  2 face minimum .   

FIREWOOD winter ASH 2017 trees 2 face minimum

    Product Page: Stores_Product_Widget

    7625 Packard Rd Niagara Falls NY. 14304 USA


    YOU  CAN NOT !!!  do any ordering here !  site is information only !

    716-998-9210  TEXT preferred 

    USE CODE  1157  1ST TEXT please so i know your not a robo! Also include yards,proper product name and exact address with zip code !!!

    We will send TEXT QUOTE a.s.a.p.

    Heavy Equipment in Use !!!

    Please you must  text for permission before stopping in to possibly inspect a product prior to ordering !!!  Actually we approve of pre-inspections We want HAPPY customers !!!

    Remember once we dump its yours ! 

     No Pickups for  MULCH and Soils !  Deliveries only !!!  except self load firewood

    No one under 18 allowed out of vehicle !!!

    Entering property for any reason is at own risk !!!

    Surveillance cameras in use 24/7


    USE CODE 1157 1st text

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